Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Where angels weep

Do not tread where angels weep,
it will consume your soul.
Sometimes it's the life we lead,
that makes the world seem cold.
Foolishness and fantasy,
indifference and obscurity,
will lead you astray.
Trust in one who seeks the truth,
there is a better way.
Faith in all you know is true.
eyes on those who treasure you.
Sorrow and false destiny,
hate and greed and self deceit,
are evil seeds that bring defeat.
Focus on the greater need,
truth, and peace, and harmony.
It will bring absolute clarity,
enlightenment and spirituality.
A calming to a tortured mind,
happiness is what you'll find.
So let those dark angels full of woe,
remain in a place you never go.
I can feel the winds of change,
sometimes distant, and always strange,
and pray that when it comes to me,
I'll have the wisdom and dignity,
to accept my individual destiny,
be willing to sacrifice personal need,
for the betterment of humanity.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Willow

The weeping willow swayed in the breeze,
it stood by the brook of sparkling dreams,
no matter how the branches swayed,
it could not reach the rippling waves.
Leaves the color of envy,
and sorrow it’s only sound,
it was destined forever,
to reach for the ground.
When the wind coursed through the branches,
it made a mournful sound,
and still it stood in beauty,
strength and majesty.
Cursing not it’s origin,
or why it had to be.
It only took it’s place in life,
bowed to it’s creator.
Maybe it’s rewards were destined to come later.
Graceful undulating branches,
in a sea of green.
Maybe there’s a lesson,
which remains to be seen
Undying in it’s patience,
beautiful and serene,
the lovely weeping willow,
has a lesson we can learn,
patience can sustain you,
when you think there is no way.
You can stand with dignity,
unwavering in the truth,
if we only emulate,
the values of this tree,
we can face all hopelessness,
and be peaceful in all things.

Author's Comments on "The willow"
Lessons in faith.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Distorted reality

Trust is something I don't own,
can't afford that luxury.
I've tried to find,but always fail,
constantly eluding me.
I give too much, just can't hold back,
run headlong at top speed.
I'm like a child with open arms,
don't watch where I am going.
jump right in, don't look ahead,
I'm naive and it is showing.
Why isn't everyone just like me,
I often stop and wonder?
Wouldn't it be best?
I will confess,
I like the child in me.
I see the world with open eyes,
can't stand the pain and plunder.
I like my view, my self made place,
my own reality.
I seem to do best on my own,
no one to undo me.
I don't want anyone to wreck this vision,
fill my soul with dark derision,
let me live most happily.
I can't take the pain,
what's the gain,
in being so deceptive?
Is your world so dark and grey,
that you can't be receptive?
pain and anger's what you know,
It's so damn repetitive.
It wears me out,
and I begin to doubt,
That I can even do this.
All the drama all the tears,
why do you put me through this?
are you just as fragile as me
and don't know any other way to be,
the other side of the spectrum?
All I know is that if it goes on,
the outcomes way too solemn.

Author's Comments on "Distorted reality"
Sometimes I just get fed up.

Monday, November 2, 2009


When it comes to being resilient,
I think I’m number one.
Every time I get knocked down,
I get up and start to run.
It’s not that it doesn’t bother me,
or take away my sensibilities.
It’s what I choose to be.
I know I’m not exclusive,
for pain respects no one.
I can still see magic,
feel the warmth of a brilliant sun.
There’s beauty for the beholder,
and songs that must be sung.
The sound of the children laughing,
when they’re having fun.
Passion shared by lovers,
and warmth of family.
The sound of a baby’s’ first cry,
is like music to me.
The silence of a snow filled night,
and mysteries to solve,
wisdom of the ages,
and true awakening.
All the beauty of Winter,
and the renewal of Spring.
There’s comfort in such little things,
that creates a tune,
that teaches my heart to sing,
a never ending sonnet,
filled with new beginnings.
I love the life that I’ve been given,
concentrate on simple living.
When the dark creeps in again,
I turn to love and my best friends,
no matter what it is I need,
they are the ones who comfort me.


When the music's in your soul,
there's no other way to go.
It's a life that's so demanding.
The more you give,
the more you get,
With constant reprimanding.
Precious time the enemy,
obligation second to it.
You have a message for the world,
striving for perfection.
Lyrics come from in the heart,
passion is the rhythm.
A gathering of brilliant minds
take it to fruition.
One small spark that will ignite,
imagination burning,
becomes a burst of pure white light.
Each adding to the magic.
Sometimes it's sweet,
sometimes it's sad,
sometimes it's even tragic.
It reaches places in the mind,
and gives us means to identify.
Creative genius come alive,
it appeals to all our senses.
Completion is the beginning,
released to infinity.
It travels through the realm of time.
All parallels will be defined,
a universal dialect.
Each one a masterpiece.
Each one who touches it,
will reproduce their version of it's glory.
It's a labor of love that's so profound,
a never ending story.
We must honor sacrifice,
for the birth of melody.
Because every time it touches us.
We begin to sing.


No, it’s not all hearts and flowers,
and it will never be.
Life is a ball of clay,
you shape what you want it to be.
You decide the artist,
you want the world to see.
I can help to teach you,
to find your reality.
It’s a book of many pages,
some are tattered,
some are torn,
there are many days,
that you wish you were ever born.
Then there are the days like diamonds,
shining in the sun.
These are the ones we treasure,
when we start to come undone.
They’ll always be trials and heartache,
deception by someone,
you thought would be there forever,
this is how the race is won.
And steadfast perseverance,
will always see you through,
it’s not anyone else’s fault,
it’s what fate has in store for you.
This is what builds your character,
determines how strong you can be.
If you don’‘t believe me,
then take a look at me.
I’ve been through the fire,
and I hate apathy,
I’ll live another day,
with hope eternally.
I can say that I’m happy,
because it’s true, you see,
and I only wish the best,
and love to everyone,
maybe I can help you find it,
while we’re basking in the sun.
So when the clouds of sorrow,
try to darken your day,
remember there’s tomorrow,
and you will find your way.